Nitenpyram (Q&A)


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NITENPYRAM protects your dog and cat from fleas. Fleas are irritating to dogs and cats and can also carry tapeworm and other illnesses, as well as infesting your home. NITENPYRAM for dogs and cats is an orally-administered capsule which provides fast and efficient treatment for fleas. Starts killing the fleas within 30 minutes. A single dose of NITENPYRAM kills adult fleas on your dog or cat and provides protection for 24 hrs.

Benefits: Protection of your dog and cat from fleas is important to ensure the well being of your dog and cat. Elimination of these insects is quick and easy with NITENPYRAM. Our NITENPYRAM is an oral Capsule given to dogs and cats. There is no nasty odor or messy application on your dog or cat, not even your home, and it won’t wash off. It is so effective that NITENPYRAM can be given to your dog or cat at any time of the day when fleas are irritating them. You can give a dose of NITENPYRAM as often as once per day, leaving your pet flea-free and comfortable.



Material about Fleas Flea and worm infestation.

Read this so you can fully understand how the product works and how much and how long you will need to administer the product to break the three week flea cycle. And you have to continue to clean the house. We don’t want you to waste you time and money if you are not ready to prepare for a really big battle with the fleas and worm.

Some information about the product:

1.Do I give 1 full capsule? Yes, the dosage is one full capsule.

2.Can I open the capsule? Yes, you can empty the contents of the capsule into a small amount of food (or your pet may like it mixed into a dot of butter or cream cheese), but you have to make sure he eats the full dose.

3.Can I give my pet the capsule if I am also treating with Advantage topically? Yes, you can. Advantage and Frontline are long term to try to keep the fleas from multiplying.

4.Is it necessary to use something like Advantage topically? No, But it is recommended for long term preventative measures since the capsule only kills the fleas the first 24 hours.

5.How long is one capsule effective? The capsules are only effective for 24 hours after being administered.

6.Do the fleas always fall offSometime the fleas can’t jump to their death, but get stuck in the pets fur after biting the animal. You may see them when you comb your pet. This product kills fleas only when they bite.

7.Can I give this to my pet after bathingYes, but fleas become inactive after bathing, do to reactions in the bathing soap. They go into a type of inactivity. If you administer this product after bathing, the affects would take longer until the fleas become more active and start to bite. You should wait a day or so to administer (when the fleas on the animal are active)

8.Do all the fleas dieNo, Remember only the fleas that bite your animal will be affected. If your house of the pets surroundings are infested with fleas, they will not be killed until they are on your pet and bite.

9.Why Each Stage of the Life Cycle Must Be TreatedYou must treat your home and your cat for each stage of a flea’s life. Ignoring just one stage in your flea control efforts will result in the fleas just starting the cycle all over again. It’s estimated that with any flea population, 95% of all the fleas are in a sub-adult stage (i.e., eggs, larvae, or pupa). These sub-adult fleas can lie dormant in your home for several months before they hatch and start the life cycle all over again.   10.How Long is the Flea Life CycleThe whole life cycle of a flea can be as quick as 20 days or can last up to one full year due to the flea being in a dormant stage. The life cycle can be interrupted at any stage, but some flea control methods are more effective than others depending upon the stage the flea is in. Warm and humid weather will speed up the cycle and contribute to a larger infestation of fleas. Flea Eggs; The adult female flea lays up to twenty flea eggs at a time (and this can be daily!). The flea egg stage is the beginning stage of the cycle. Flea eggs can remain viable in the environment for several months to several years under the right conditions. That is why fleas can be difficult to get rid of. The flea eggs may be deposited on your pet and in your pet’s environment. This includes your pet’s sleeping area, your carpet, your furniture, floorboard crevices and other cracks and corners of your home. Flea eggs will also be deposited in your yard. In addition to attacking your outdoor pet, fleas deposited outside from other neighborhood animals may afflict your indoor pet. Adult fleas are great little hitchhikers and can jump onto you while you’re outside. The flea will then jump off of you and into your house and deposit her eggs! Flea eggs deposited directly onto your pet will usually fall off into your pet’s environment fairly soon. Flea control efforts must consider the flea egg stage to be effective.

Flea Larvae: Flea eggs will hatch into larvae 2 to 14 days after being laid. The larvae are small and white. Larvae rely on adult flea excrement for nutrition, so this is a good reason to keep suspected areas where there might be fleas clean. Over the next two weeks to six months, the larvae will molt three times before entering the next stage of the flea life cycle. Flea control efforts must consider this aspect of the flea life cycle to be effective. Fleabusters Rx borate powder is a very safe method you can use to eliminate flea larvae in your home.

Flea Pupa: The flea larvae spin cocoons around themselves in which they move to the last phase of the flea life cycle and become adult fleas. The larvae can remain in the cocoon anywhere from one week to one year. Temperature is one factor that determines how long it will take for the adult flea to emerge from the cocoon. Warm and humid weather speeds the maturation process and the flea life cycle. While in this stage, the flea larvae are very resistant to chemical insecticides and other environmental treatment methods of flea control. Flea control efforts must consider this aspect of the flea life cycle to be effective.

Adult Fleas: The flea matures in the cocoon and emerges looking for a host to feed on. When the flea finds a host (your pet or kitten), it jumps on the host and holds on with six hooked legs. It then uses its sharp mouth parts to cut a hole and insert its feeding tube into your pet. After this blood feast, the flea lays its eggs and the flea life cycle starts all over again. Amazingly, an average adult flea can live without food for up to 58 days! Fleas spend most of their lives off of your pet and in your pet’s environment, so just because you don’t see a flea on your pet, don’t give up on your flea control efforts, especially if you see other evidence of fleas. For example, tiny black flecks of flea dirt (excrement) will be left behind after a flea has fed on your pet. Choosing the Right Method to Get Rid of All the Fleas When choosing a flea control method, all stages of a flea’s life must be considered. To get rid of fleas, you must choose one or more methods that are effective in all four phases of the flea life cycle.


How do I eliminate fleas in my house? “Steam cleaning the carpets will probably NOT help…. However, VACUUMING your entire house EVERYDAY for a month will dramatically reduce your flea population… It doesn’t matter what kind of vacuum you have bag or bag less, canister or upright… Just by vacuuming you will reduce the adult flea population by about 90% That’s pretty good for just vacuuming… I would combine the process with sprinkling a mixture of baking soda and iodized salt both available at the wholesale club store for UNDER $10…. Mix them together and sprinkle liberally on your carpets…. Leave on overnight… Or longer.. It’s non toxic to humans and pets.. The baking soda will smother live fleas and larvae while the salt dissolves the eggs… PLUS It will deodorize and freshen the carpets AND the salt will pull dirt/debris out of the rug…. If you have a bag vacuum just be sure to have extra bags and if you have a canister empty away from the house… Vacuum your other soft surfaces as well like sofa’s, love seats, chairs etc…. You can also “lure” fleas to their death by leaving a light colored shallow dish with about an inch of water and a few drops of dish soap… Shine a desk light on to it and the fleas will be attracted to the warm liquid and drown…. ! If you still fear fleas but, don’t want to use harsh chemicals and poison on your pets… Give them a bath using DAWN original blue dish soap. It kills fleas… and it’s not poisonous like traditional flea shampoo with can be lethal when combined with too many other flea killing products….! Wash your animals bedding and re-stuff or place some cedar chips inside.. Fleas HATE cedar.. Also a good method for making sure they aren’t hiding in closets and drawers… Hang cedar blocks in closets.. Wash bedding… Any temp will do… Fleas can’t survive the washer… Above all just keep vacuuming.. I vacuum my entire house everyday… I haven’t had a flea infestation in almost 3 yrs. I also give my dog a “dry bath” with baking soda once a week… Keeps her smelling fresh and flea free… Along with her monthly drops… and NITENPYRAM Capsules. * If you have a lot of bedrooms and furniture I would also recommend fogging or bombing… This would not only take care of fleas but, other pests as well.. RAID brand is good as well as ORTHO… Get one with a money-back guarantee in case it doesn’t work you can get your money-back….. Don’t forget basements and crawl spaces…. When I moved to our present location the previous owners had 3 untreated pets.. While the house was vacant 2-3 weeks we had a terrible infestation… We could literally see the fleas jumping off the carpets like sand at the beach…HORRIBLE… I bought 12 lbs. of baking soda and mixed it with 23 lbs. of salt and sprinkled it liberally on the carpets and let it sit for couple days….. I took 2-3 hours to vacuum. (We were lucky there was no big furniture) and before long they were gone…”

Summary: At any moment, there will be many more flea eggs and larvae than adult fleas. An individual flea’s lifespan is minimal, while a flea population could last for years if no steps are taken to remove them. NITENPYRAM is a safe and effective way to give your pet’s quick relief from fleas. It can safely be used as often as once a day, if needed. It is out of the animal’s system in 24 hrs. When you give your pet one capsule the first day, you will first notice that he starts to scratch a lot because the fleas are reacting to the NITENPYRAM in their system (they are biting the animal) and then the scratching starts to become less as time passes because the fleas are dying. On some animals it only takes one capsule to kill all the fleas. Remember that the fleas on your animal have laid eggs and it takes three weeks for them to hatch; but you don’t know when the eggs where laid, so you might see some new fleas on the animal and have to give him a capsule each day you see fleas until you break the three week flea cycle. If the animal picks up more fleas from the yard or because the area that they are bedding in has flea eggs or is flea infested, then you have to continue to treat the animal and they will continue to scratch a lot because the fleas are reacting to the NITENPYRAM. But it is safe to give your pet a capsule a day whenever the animal needs it. In short, if your animal’s surroundings have fleas, then your animal will continue to have fleas. They maybe transferring fleas from one to the other. In short, if your animal’s surroundings have fleas, then your animal will continue to have fleas. Each flea can have thousands of eggs. This product only kills the fleas on your animal when the flea bites. Also just because you pet is scratching does not indicate he has fleas. You need to check your pet to verify he has fleas. Animals scratch for many reasons.

Animal Lovers House LLC